About Us
thehighground provides senior executive mentoring services and is headed by Detlev J. Hoch (DJH).
DJH is Director Emeritus of McKinsey & Company, Inc. since 2012. For 32 years he served private enterprises as well as public institutions mainly on ICT-related strategy, organization and operations matters. DJH is co-author of two books:
1. “Secrets of Software Success”, Harvard Business School Press 2000, also published in German (“Erfolgreiche Software-Unternehmen”, Hanser 2000), Italian (“Strategie competitive nell’indsutria del software”, Etas 2000), and Chinese (with Commonwealth Publishing Co., 2000).
2. “Erfolgreiches IT-Management im öffentlichen Sektor”, Gabler 2005 – apart from the specificities of working with civil servants, the insights from “Successful IT-Management in the Public Sector” are widely applicable across industries.
Executive mentoring services by thehighground relate to general management and focus on growth and/or innovation opportunities for CXOs of Software & Services provider firms or prominent user of ICT products/services, often CIOs.